Important Airfield NOTAM
Trees and Tennis Courts 160m West of RWY09 threshold. Due growth of these trees, they now infringe the runway extended centre line, and so now become an important consideration when planning a Rwy 27 departure or a Rwy 09 arrival.
ATZ activity when Colerne ATC not operating:-
When Colerne ATC not open, Colerne Traffic Calls (120.075) are required, as Colerne civil aircraft and Garston aircraft may be operating in the ATZ.
Village school and Wind Turbine:-
Marshfield Primary school, with Wind Turbine (130ft high), is situated 350m NNW of RWY09 threshold.
Do not over fly.
Unusable surface areas:-
The airstrip is part of a working farm. The surface areas that lie outside of the runway, taxiways and parking areas, as shown on this web site, are not load bearing.
Remember - PPR is essential by speaking directly to Mike on mobile 0790 1755312 or (secondary) 01225 891284. Thanks.